Publications by Greg Smestad

Highlighted Publications

Greg Smestad has written a book entitled Optoelectronics of Solar Cells. Learn more about the book.

In addition to his duties at Sol Ideas Technology Development, Sol Ideas founder Greg Smestad also serves as Editor Emeritus for the Elsevier Science Journal, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, which is intended as a vehicle for the dissemination of research results on materials science and technology related to photovoltaic, photothermal and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion.

Selected Publications

  • L. Micheli, M. Muller, M. Theristis, G. P. Smestad, F. Almonacid, E. F. Fernandez, “Quantifying the impact of inverter clipping on photovoltaic performance and soiling losses,” Renewable Energy, 120317, 2024.
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  • A. Asbayou, G. Smestad, I. Ismail, A. Soussi, A. Elfanaoui, et al., “Electro-Optical Model of Soiling Effects on Photovoltaic Panels and Performance Implications,” Energy Engineering, 121(2), 243–258, 2024.
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  • L. Micheli, G.P. Smestad, M.Z. Khan, K. Lange, et al., “Soiling in Solar Energy Systems: The Role of the Thresholding Method in Image Analysis,” Solar RRL, 8: 2300654, 2024.
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  • G. P. Smestad, C. Anderson, M. E. Cholette, P. Fuke, A. A. Hachicha, A. Kottantharayil, K. Ilse, M. Karim, M. Z. Khan, H. Merkle, D. C. Miller, J. M. Newkirk, G. Picotti, F. Wiesinger, G. Willers, L. Micheli, “Variability and associated uncertainty in image analysis for soiling characterization in solar energy systems,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 259, 112437, 2023.
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  • H. Brahma, S. Pant, L. Micheli, G. P. Smestad, N. Sarmah, “Effect of Environmental Factors on Photovoltaic Soiling: Experimental and Statistical Analysis,” Energies 16, article 45, 2023.
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  • L. Micheli, G. P. Smestad, J. G. Bessa, M. Muller, E. F. Fernández and F. Almonacid, “Tracking Soiling Losses: Assessment, Uncertainty, and Challenges in Mapping,” in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 114-118, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2021.3113858. Download paper via ResearchGate
  • M. Valerino, M. Bergin, C. Ghoroi, A. Ratnaparkhi, G. P. Smestad, “Low-cost solar PV soiling sensor validation and size resolved soiling impacts: A comprehensive field study in Western India,” Solar Energy, 204, pp. 307-315, 2020.
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  • L. Micheli, E. F. Fernández, M. Muller, G. P. Smestad, F. Almonacid, “Selection of optimal wavelengths for optical soiling modelling and detection in photovoltaic modules,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 212, Article 110539, 2020.
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  • G. P. Smestad, T. A. Germer, H. Alrashidi, et al.,“Modelling photovoltaic soiling losses through optical characterization,” Sci. Rep. 10:58, 2020.
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  • L. Micheli, J. A. Caballero, E. F. Fernandez, G. P. Smestad, G. Nofuentes, T. K. Mallick, F. M. Almonacid, “Correlating photovoltaic soiling losses to waveband and single-value transmittance measurements,” Energy, 180, 376-386, 2019. Download Paper   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • G. P. Smestad, “Editorial: Greg P. Smestad and Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 194, a1-a3, 2019. Download Paper   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • E. F. Fernández, D. L. Talavera, F. M. Almonacid, G. P. Smestad, “Investigating the impact of weather variables on the energy yield and cost of energy of grid-connected solar concentrator systems,” Energy, 106, pp. 790-801, 2016. Download Paper   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • L. Micheli, E. F. Fernández, F. M. Almonacid, T. K. Mallick, G. P. Smestad, Performance, limits and economic perspectives for passive cooling of High Concentrator Photovoltaics, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 153, pp. 164-178, 2016. Download Paper   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • E. F. Fernandez, A. J. Garcia-Loureiro, and G. P. Smestad, “Multijunction Concentrator Solar Cells: Analysis and Fundamentals,” in: P. Pérez-Higueras, E. F. Fernández (Editors), High Concentrator Photovoltaics – Engineering and Power Plants, Springer, London, 2015, pp 9-36. Learn more
  • K. Horowitz, M. Woodhouse, H. Lee, and G. Smestad, “A Bottom-Up Cost Analysis of a High Concentration PV Module“. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL Report No. PR-6A20-63947, 59 pp, presented April 2015 at CPV-11, Aix-les-Bains, France. Download Presentation
  • T. Healy, G. P. Smestad, and J. Gonzalez, “A Project-Based Interdisciplinary Program in Sustainable Energy,” presented March 5, 2013 at Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference (IEDEC). Download Paper   Download Presentation
  • R. J. Koshel, G. P. Smestad, D.l Shull, P. Stephens, and T. Healy, “Cylindrical and Flat Solar Collector Geometries: Theory and Experiment – The Performance and Optics of the ‘Solyndra’ PV Panel,” presented Nov. 13, 2012 at Optical Society of America (OSA) Meeting, SOLAR 2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Download OSA Presentation
  • G. P. Smestad and A. Steinfeld, “Review: Photochemical and Thermochemical Production of Solar Fuels from H₂O and CO₂ Using Metal Oxide Catalysts,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51 (37), 2012, pp 11828-11840. Download Paper   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • As part of Sigma Xi’s Quasquicentennial (125th) anniversary celebration, Stanford R. Ovshinsky was interviewed on September 29, 2011 by G. P. Smestad. Read Transcript on the Sigma Xi website. Excerpt published in American Scientist. Read Excerpt
  • G. P. Smestad, “Optics of Solar Cells,” presented October 11 – 15, 2009 at 93rd Annual Meeting, Frontiers in Optics (FiO) 2009/Laser Science (LS), 25th Conference, Optics for Renewable Energy, Optical Soc. of America, San José, CA. Download Presentation
  • G. P. Smestad, “The Basic Economics of Photovoltaics for Vacuum Coaters,” 52nd Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, Society of Vacuum Coaters, Santa Clara, CA, May 9 – 14, 2009. Download Article
  • J. Morabito, T. Peterson, G. P. Smestad, and K. DeGroat, “Systems Analysis and Recommendations for R&D and Accelerated Deployment of Solar Energy,” 2009 Peer Review Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Program, Denver CO, March 2009. Download White Paper   Listed in Sigma Xi Today, January-February 2010, Volume 19, Number 1. Download Issue
  • G. P. Smestad, “The Basic Economics of PV,” presented June 24-15, 2008 at Optical Society of America (OSA) Meeting, Solar Energy 2008, Stanford University, CA. Download Poster   Download Paper
  • G. P. Smestad, F. C. Krebs, C. M. Lampert, C. G. Granqvist, K. L. Chopra, X. Mathew, H. Takakura, “Reporting solar cell efficiencies in Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 92, 371-373, 2008. Download Article   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • G. P. Smestad and C. M. Lampert, “Event Report – Solar Power 2006, San José, CA,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91 440-444, 2007. Download Article Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • G. P. Smestad, “Conversion of heat and light simultaneously using a vacuum photodiode and the thermionic and photoelectric effects,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 82/1-2 227-240, 2004. Download Article  Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • G. P. Smestad, S. Spiekermann, J. Kowalik, C. D. Grant, A. M. Schwartzberg, J. Zhang, L. M. Tolbert, and E. Moons, “A technique to compare polythiophene solid state dye-sensitized Ti0₂ solar cells to liquid junction devices,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 76/1, 85 -105, 2003. Download Article
  • A. Ritschel and G. P. Smestad, “Energy subsidies in California’s electricity market deregulation,” Energy Policy, Volume 31, Issue 13, October 2003, Pages 1379-1391. Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad, Optoelectronics of solar cells SPIE Press (SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering); ISBN 0-8194-4440-5,118 pages; Pub. July 2002; Softcover. Learn more about the book.
  • C. D. Grant, A. M. Schwartzberg, G. P. Smestad, J. Kowalik, L. M. Tolbert, and J. Z. Zhang, “Optical and electrochemical characterization of poly(3-undecyl-2, 2′-bithiophene) in thin film solid state Ti0₂ photovoltaic solar cells,” Synth. Met., 132, 197-204, 2003.
  • C. D. Grant, A. M. Schwartzberg, G. P. Smestad, J. Kowalik, L. M. Tolbert, and J. Z. Zhang, “Characterization of nanocrystalline and thin film Ti0₂ solar cells with poly(3-undecyl-2, 2′-bithiophene) as a sensitizer and hole conductor,” J. Electroanalytical Chem., 522, 40-48, 2002.
  • S. Spiekermann, G. Smestad, J. Kowalik, L. M. Tolbert, and M. Graetzel, “Poly(4-undecyl-2,2′-bithiophene) as a hole conductor in solid state dye-sensitized titanium dioxide solar cells,” Synth. Met., 121, 1603, 2001. Presented at ICSM 2000, Gastein, Austria, July 2000.
  • G. P. Smestad and M. Graetzel, “Demonstrating electron transfer and nanotechnology: A natural dye-sensitized nanocrystalline energy converter,” Journal of Chemical Education, 75, 752, 1998. Read Abstract on publisher website   Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad, “Education and solar conversion: Demonstrating electron transfer,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 55, 157, 1998. Download Article
  • N. J. Cherepy, G. P. Smestad, M. Graetzel, and J. Z. Zhang, “Ultrafast electron injection: Implications for a photoelectrochemical cell utilizing an anthocyanin dye sensitized Ti0₂ nanocrystalline electrode,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101, 9342, 1997. Download Article
  • W. Durisch, J. Urban, and G. P. Smestad, “Characterisation of solar cells and modules under actual operating conditions,” Renewable Energy, 9, 359-366, 1996. Download Article   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • G. P. Smestad, “Absorptivity as a predictor of the photoluminescence spectra of silicon solar cells and photosynthesis,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 38, 57, 1995. Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad, C. Bignozzi, and R. Argazzi, “Testing of dye sensitized Ti0₂ solar cells I: Experimental photocurrent output and conversion efficiencies,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 32, 259, 1994. Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad, “Testing of dye sensitized Ti0₂ solar cells II: Theoretical voltage output and photoluminescence efficiencies,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 32, 273-288, 1994. Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad, M. Kunst, and C. Vial, “Photovoltaic response in electrochemically prepared photoluminescent porous silicon,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 26, 277, 1992. Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad and H. Ries, “Luminescence and current – voltage characteristics of solar cells and optoelectronic devices,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 25, 51, 1992. Download Article
  • G. P. Smestad, H. Ries, R. Winston, and E. Yablonovitch, “Thermodynamic limits of light concentrators,” Solar Energy Materials, 21, 95, 1990. Download Article   Read Online via article’s DOI.
  • G. P. Smestad, A. Ennaoui, S. Fiechter, H. Tributsch, W.K. Hofmann, M. Birkholz, and W. Kautek , “Photoactive thin film iron pyrite prepared by sulfurization of iron oxides,” Solar Energy Materials, 20, 149, 1990. Download Article   Read Online via article’s DOI. Download the erratum.
  • G. P. Smestad and P. Hamill, “Concentration of solar radiation by white backed photovoltaic panels,” Applied Optics, 23, 4394, 1984. Download Article

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G. P. Smestad, “Luminescence as a predictor of quantum solar energy conversion”, Thesis No. 1263 (1994), The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Lausanne, Swizerland, thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Graetzel.

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