Teaching Experience

Greg P. Smestad, Ph.D. is a pioneer in education related to chemistry, sustainable energy, environmental policy, and biology. He is not afraid to venture into unknown territory using new tools and techniques and applies the systems approach along with his other skills into every aspect of his professional life. He has led the way for new courses at several educational institutes. His extensive background in energy, the environment and related fields are exemplified by the following teaching experiences and credentials:

  • Adjunct Lecturer at Santa Clara University in the graduate program of the School of Engineering for the Fall Quarter of 2013 and Winter Quarter of 2015.
    • The course is Distributed and Renewable Energy for the Developing World (2 unit credit, ENGR 340).
    • This course makes up part of the required core classes for the Certificate in Frugal Innovation at Santa Clara University.
    • Additionally, from 2012 – 2014, he also served as a mentor to undergraduate students in the Latimer Energy Laboratory Scholars Program of Professor Tim Healy. One of the projects involved teaching solar energy through the examination of the Solyndra PV module.
  • Adjunct Professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, MIIS, 4 years; 1998 to 2002. While at MIIS, Dr. Smestad developed and taught several graduate courses in International Environmental Policy. These courses were established at MIIS and gave rise to the following classes:
    • Energy & Environment
    • Energy & Sustainable Development
    • Global Energy Prospects
    • Biodiversity Policy/International Biotechnology and Genetic Resources
    • Science and Politics of Global Climate Change
    • Climate Change and Renewable Energy
    These courses are taught at several other California universities.
  • As a founding faculty member of California State University, Monterey Bay, Dr. Smestad developed laboratory and lecture chemistry classes for undergraduates and created, stocked and managed its first chemistry lab facility (1 year). He walked into an empty abandoned military building when he started and established a state-of-the-art teaching classroom and laboratory by the time he left.
  • Course Instructor of Optoelectronics of Solar Cells using his book of the same name at the Twelfth International Materials Research Congress in Cancun, Mexico, on August 17, 2003.
  • Editor for Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. Advisor to young international researchers regarding the successful writing of quality scientific publications, 17+ years.
  • Inventor of “Nanocrystalline Solar Cell Kit: Re-creating Photosynthesis”, a laboratory exercise linking basic science with policy issues, 5 years. Dr. Smestad continues to demonstrate his long-term commitment to education and outreach by communicating, via email and the Internet, with young people world-wide about the procedure described in his solar cell kit.
  • Instructor and Developer for a Department of Energy National Teacher Enhancement Project, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, July 1995.
  • Seminar Instructor “Design Testing and Manufacturing of Photovoltaics”, SPIE International Conferences on Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion, 1993-94 (SPIE, Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Washington).
  • Writer, producer and developer of the first Trail Guide for the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail. This project was carried out in conjunction with the U.S. National Park Service and Los Californianos and features a unique audio CD.

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