U.S. National Park Service
Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Portion of the Te Deum from Mission Music Book
Portion of the Te Deum from the Mission Music Book

Source: Santa Clara University Archives
  Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Guide Audio Files

Counties on the trail from south to north: 

These audio files are taken from the CD distributed with the printed version of the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Guide. The sounds were recorded on, or near, the Anza Trail itself. For most counties in the Guide, there is a section called "On the CD" in which you can learn more about the audio tracks.

These audio files were produced via a Challenge Cost Share Grant provided by the U.S. National Park Service. They are in the public domain, but can only be used for non-commercial and not-for-profit uses.


Click the "Play" button to hear the track.

If you would like to download any of the tracks, right click on the player and select "Save Audio As". If the players don't look correct on your older model iphone, try zooming in.


  • Track 1: Introduction: Who Was Anza?

  • Track 2: The Alabado

  • Track 3: Birth and Death: Salve de la Virgen de los Dolores, Salve Regina

  • Track 4: O’odham Language and O’odham Sunrise

  • Track 5: Casa Grande Song and Fandango (La Merlequina)

  • Track 6: Quechan Music at Yuma: Quechan Memorial Song

  • Track 7: Desert Fandangos: Cattle Drive, Chacona, El Minuet de Cuatro

  • Track 8: Santa Catarina Springs, Fandango and Nativity: La Xameico, La Posada

  • Track 9: The Morning Hymn: El Cantico del Alba and The Alabado

  • Track 10: The Chumash, the Channel and the Sea

  • Track 11: Carpenter Birds and Font’s Te Deum

  • Track 12: The Mutsun

  • Track 13: Henry Coe State Park

  • Track 14: The Story of the Bear of San Mateo

  • Track 15: San Francisco: Marcha Real, Ah, Susanita

  • Track 16: The Bay Miwok

  • Track 17: Finale


In May 2017, the California Frontier Project interviewed Greg
Bernal-Mendoza Smestad about Los Californios (which includes the descendants of the de Anza Expedition) and the West Coast's first Thanksgiving in 1776. Read the blog post and listen to Podcast Episode 002, "You Have to Carry This On": What it Means to be a Californio with host Damian Bacich. You can just listen to just the interview here:

"You Have to Carry This On": What it Means to be a Californio"

For Junior Rangers, listen to the sounds of music, nature, and exploration along the Anza Trail

Download pdf versions of related pages from the printed Trail Guide:
Historical Background
CD Track List

Download Musical Scores in pdf format (2.6 MB, with scores for Alabado, A la Virgen de los Dolores, Marcha Real, ¡Ay, Susanita!, and To Alta California).

Download the whole Anza Trail Guide in PDF (65.7 MB)

This document and its parts are in the public domain. It is for education and evaluation purposes only. It is not, however, to be used commercially without written permission from the National Park Service.

Please direct comments and inquiries to:
   U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service
   Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail
   Tel. 510-817-1438
   Contact the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Headquarters
   web: nps.gov/juba/

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