
With more than 20 years of consulting experience in the field of solar energy, Dr. Smestad performs due diligence work and technical reviews for venture capital firms, government agencies, and companies.

Our clients have included:

  • The research undertaken by Dr. Smestad in optoelectronics and in solar energy-related fields has resulted in several patents and numerous published papers.
  • His tutorial book, Optoelectronics of Solar Cells, is a unique addition to the literature.
  • He has been instrumental in bringing several products to the market, and can work effectively with funding agencies, institutions and companies.
  • For many years, Dr. Smestad taught graduate policy classes related to sustainable energy.
  • He is also available for training in technology, economics and policy relating to solar cells and photovoltaics. Read more here regarding some background on his policy experience in clean energy.

Dr. Smestad is currently available for consulting on a case-by-case basis. Fees are based on project parameters, time and materials. To inquire about our services and receive a preliminary price quote, please contact us.

Learn more about our Materials Science Consulting and Optoelectronics Consulting services.